Getting started

There are a couple ways to get started working with Spectrum Web Components:

If you're creating your own project, we recommend using @open-wc's project generator, which will get you started in an environment similar to this repository. @open-wc also uses Lit for building components and @web/test-runner for their testing framework, making it easier for us to troubleshoot and reproduce any issues you run into, as well as reducing the amount of changes to make to your code if you decide to contribute your work to our library. For specific information on how to configure your @open-wc project, click here.

If you know which components you want to use, you can import those packages directly. We recommend grabbing @spectrum-web-components/theme in addition to your chosen components, as sp-theme is necessary for styling those components with Spectrum CSS. You can click here to learn about the full range of style customization provided by @spectrum-web-components/theme.

There is also the @spectrum-web-components/bundle package, which includes all of the elements defined by Spectrum Web Components in one easy-to-import entry point. The @spectrum-web-components/bundle package is literally everything that Spectrum Web Components has to offer. This is why when bundled, it weighs as large as it does, and is why we DO NOT suggest leveraging this technique in a production application.

Whether you chose to start with the bundle or a selection of components (you'll need sp-button and sp-theme for the snipped below), copy and paste the following HTML sample, and you’ll be up and running. Have fun!

<!-- remove comments for purposes beyond this documentation site
    type="module" async

<sp-theme scale="large" color="dark">
    <!-- Insert content requiring theme application here. -->
    <sp-button onclick="alert('I was clicked');">Click me!</sp-button>
    <!-- End content requiring theme application. -->

The code above (with the comments around<script> tag removed) renders to the browser as follows (be patient while the JS for the <iframe> is loaded from the JSPM CDN...):

What you can do

Section titled What you can do

Now that you have a starting point, visit the documentation for each package, if you haven't already, and find some components that are right for your project. You can take a look at our overview on to get an idea of how these components behave in a development environment, or browse through our storybook. Once you start developing, you’ll find that rapid, component-based prototyping brings your designs to life faster than ever.

When you're ready to deploy your app to production, take a look at our Rollup and/or Webpack example projects for recommendations on how to optimize your project for that environment. Leverage the listings under the “Usage” section on each component’s documentation page to support the patterns you'll find therein. And then, when you're ready... ship, ship, ship! We look forward to seeing what you bring to life.